Everyday features with Next App Router& concept demos
Explore how to do things the NextJS way backed by the App Router. Each feature implementation and concept demo is linked to the most related github resource.Completed
Parallel routing is already implemented. If you navigate to the completed features page, the explanation and implementation sections are in fact pages rendered in parallel.
Infinite scrolling
Implementation of infinite scrolling with server action and useSWR hook.
Implementation of pagination with server side and client side data fetching with tanstack table. Thanks to tanstack table, it also has features like column visibility toggle, row selection, client side filter out of the box.
Intercepting routes
Load another route from current layout or page without losing the context of the current page or layout. Also known as modal routing.
Parallel routing
Render more than one page in the same layout conditionally or simultaneously.
Music streaming
Implementation of music streaming.
Video streaming
Implementation of video streaming.
Infinite scrolling
Implementation of infinite scrolling with server action and useSWR hook.
Intercepting routes
Load another route from current layout or page without losing the context of the current page or layout. Also known as modal routing.
Music streaming
Implementation of music streaming.
Implementation of pagination with server side and client side data fetching with tanstack table. Thanks to tanstack table, it also has features like column visibility toggle, row selection, client side filter out of the box.
Parallel routing
Render more than one page in the same layout conditionally or simultaneously.
Video streaming
Implementation of video streaming.
Infinite scrolling
Implementation of infinite scrolling with server action and useSWR hook.
Parallel routing
Render more than one page in the same layout conditionally or simultaneously.
Implementation of pagination with server side and client side data fetching with tanstack table. Thanks to tanstack table, it also has features like column visibility toggle, row selection, client side filter out of the box.
Music streaming
Implementation of music streaming.
Intercepting routes
Load another route from current layout or page without losing the context of the current page or layout. Also known as modal routing.
Video streaming
Implementation of video streaming.