One of the most common everyday features is pagination. In this implementation, the data fetching is always done on the server inside ServerSidePaginationImplementation and the data is passed to the client component PaginationDataTable.
For the table, we have used Tanstack table library to handle client side sorting and column visibility toggle. I highly recommend the library for tabular data since it is a breeze to set up and the features are very intuitive.
While searching the product, we update the query param with key search which causes server request and our page gets the the value of the query which is used to fetch data on the server again. So even our search results are rendered on the server as well.
Similarly, while clicking on the page number or the Previous and Next navigation buttons, we make use of query param with the key page causing server request where the data for that page is fetched on the server.
Note that the page query value is reset whenever the user makes new search which is the only reasonable thing since we want every search results pagination to start from page 1.
Currently NextJs doesn't seem to support shallow query param updates meaning every query param update via official method will cause server request which means all your server components for the page will re-render. You would want this for some cases like for the current feature, but you may not want the behavior for other cases. It is quite hacky to get that behavior currently so I am using a library called nuqs which supports shallow updates. It supports both page and app router.
If you have any queries, suggestions, or feedback, you can reach me via twitter.